Spanje wil de Europese culturele identiteit versterken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 5 januari 2010.

Spain will make an extra effort to reaffirm the European cultural identity during the six months of its Presidency, as declared by the Minister of Culture, Ángeles González-Sinde, during her visit to the EU Council.

Promoting cultural tourism by means of the creation of the European Heritage Label and boosting digital culture with a single community approach are some of the priorities that this Presidency will set.

Other immediate objectives are the promotion of a legal cultural market and the digitisation of its content, and viewing culture as a driver for social and economic development.

'In Europe, as much attention should be paid to culture as to other already more developed areas,' the minister declared at the same time as highlighting the importance of the European Heritage Label: 'It is a strategic initiative in social and cultural terms, and also for our economies,' to the extent that it reflects culture's contribution to economic growth and job creation. She also added that it consolidates Europe as the 'custodian' of cultural heritage, which also implies progress 'towards sustainability and things that last', towards innovation.

González-Sinde also stressed that, in spite of the Spanish Presidency of the EU only lasting six months, 'our agenda has been designed to last' committing all sectors of society to defend, protect, and stimulate artistic activity.

The minister also demanded respect for authors; modernity, she pointed out, consists in making the most of the opportunities offered by technology to create more and to make it more accessible. 'We can now only adapt ourselves to the changes in all sectors if we decide to lead them. Our duty is to work together, in a responsible and lasting way, to make culture even more accessible.'

González-Sinde, who spoke to journalists at a press conference together with the Secretary of State for the European Union, Diego López Garrido, also used her visit to open the video installation 'Travesías', by the photographer and multimedia artist Daniel Canogar, and the 'Protagonistas en la sombra' exhibition of photographic images from the EFE news agency archive.

'Here we are competing with ourselves, we are competing to create what nobody has ever dreamed of,' the minister summed up. In time, cultural diversity builds our relationship with our origins, with the present that is common to all of us and with the future that we will share.' For this reason, 'culture is essential for Europe and Europe is essential for culture.'