Spanje aan de vooravond van EU-voorzittschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 30 december 2009.

Mr. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero i

During its Presidency of the EU, Spain intends to push for common economic governance for the twenty-seven Member States, to achieve policy coordination and job creation

At a press conference summing up the work of the government during 2009 and its expectations for 2010, Mr Zapatero said that the past year has seen “the consolidation of Spanish foreign policy”, as shown by Spain's participation at the G20 i summit and being invited to the G8 i, and that this European semester will demonstrate its new position. The consolidation and strengthening of Spanish foreign policy “shall be consolidated by the development of the rotating office of Presidency of the European Union”, he said.

During the Presidency, he added that “we propose to strengthen the EU”, above all, making progress towards the creation of a European economic administration in order to “coordinate economic policies and create jobs”.

He emphasised the importance of “strengthening the economic recovery” to achieve “a more innovative and stable economy that is capable of competing in a globalised world”.

Another priorities will be the “rapid application” of the Treaty of Lisbon, European citizenship in the 21st century and gender equality.

Likewise, it is important for the Spanish Presidency to develop the relations of the EU with other regions of the world such as Latin America, the Mediterranean and Africa.

“We will strengthen Spain in the EU and in the world”, concluded the Spanish head of state.