Europees Parlement organiseert Global Warming evenement (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 1 december 2009, 10:10.

The European Parliament will host a major event on global warming and food policy on Thursday 3 December when the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Dr Rajendra K. Pachauri and environmental activist Sir Paul McCartney will urge legislators and experts to focus on what an individual can do to fight climate change, for example by eating less meat.

The "Global Warming and Food Policy: Less Meat = Less Heat" hearing takes place on Thursday 3 December in Parliament's plenary chamber in Brussels, from 10.00h to 12h30, and will be chaired by EP Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott.

The opening speech will be delivered by Parliament's President Jerzy Buzek i and the hearing will be followed by a press conference, while Sir Paul, Dr Pacahauri and Mr McMillan-Scott will also issue a joint declaration marking the event.

The UN Food and Agricultural Organisation produced a report - ‘Livestock’s Long Shadow’ - in 2006, which demonstrated that meat production is very intensive in emissions of greenhouse gases and much less efficient in water use than equivalent vegetarian food production.

On the eve of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen the event reflects a perception that climate change needs to be addressed at all levels – especially individual but also at local, regional, national, European and worldwide levels. The European Parliament will present its views in the Danish capital from 7 to 18 December.

On the day of the hearing, the European Parliament's restaurants will offer a menu on which 50% of the meals will be vegetarian, instead of just its usual one meat-free choice.

Practical information

Press conference with EP Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott, Dr Rajendra K. Pachauri and Sir Paul McCartney, 12:30h, PHS 0A050, Anna Politkovskaya room; priority access for accredited press.

Photo opportunity with EP President Jerzy Buzek, Dr Rajendra K. Pachauri, Sir Paul McCartney and Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott at President's office, at 10.50am (limited access, pool only).

A limited number of seats in the plenary chamber will be available to accredited media representatives on a "first come - first served" basis. The hearing and the press conference will be transmitted to the listening room ASP 3 E2 (160 seats) and be web-streamed on the Parliament's website (click on EP Live above).


Audiovisual media: Kirsten VAN KAMPEN; +32 2 284 48 17;

Written press: Claudia CANDEAGO; +32 2 283 40 88;