Ministeriële ontmoeting tussen EU en Turkije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 27 november 2009.

On Thursday 26 November, Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt chaired a Troika meeting with Turkey. Turkey was represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davuto?lu and EU Chief Negotiator Egemen Ba???.

The discussions were interesting and rewarding. A number of current international issues were raised, in which Turkey is playing an important role. Foreign Minister Davuto?lu clearly reiterated Turkey’s support for the ongoing talks on a solution to the Cyprus issue, including the formula that is the basis of the negotiations.

“Turkey has changed a good deal since the country became an EU Candidate ten years ago. Many important democratic reforms have been implemented. Our task now is to ensure that the accession negotiations and the reform process move forward, and that ongoing initiatives lead to tangible results,” said Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt after the meeting. The EU also emphasised the importance of Turkey's full implementation of the Ankara Protocol.