Informatie campagne "Europees burgerschap: niet alleen woorden maar ook concrete rechten" gelanceerd in Malta (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 26 november 2009.


Brussels, 26 November 2009

"European citizenship: not just words, but also concrete rights!" - Commission information campaign lands in Malta

The European Commission launches today an information campaign in Malta on EU citizenship rights. Under the slogan "European citizenship: not just words, but also concrete rights!", the campaign will tour five locations, from 26 November to 1 December 2009. Over the last two years, the campaign has moved through Romania, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Slovakia.

"We want to inform Maltese citizens about the added-value of European citizenship: rights, freedoms and possibilities from which they can benefit in their daily lives - said Jacques Barrot i, Vice-President of the European Commission - This campaign aims to enhance the promotion of EU citizens' rights and guarantee their respect."

At the moment, European citizens can vote and stand as a candidate in local and European elections in their Member State of residence; they have the right to good administration by the European institutions and to lodge complaints in case this right is not respected. European citizens also have the right to access the documents of EU institutions and the right to petition to the European Parliament. They can require protection by the embassy or consulate of any EU Member State, if they have a problem in a place where their country is not represented. Last but not least, Europeans can move and reside freely within the European Union.

The road-show will be launched today by a press conference at the Commission Representative Office in Valletta. After a second day in Valletta, the show will move to the other main towns of the Archipelago (list annexed). A total of some 4 000 citizens of all ages are awaited at the stand. The EU-labelled travelling tents will be put up in open-air public places and will host the widest number of visitors. EU citizens in Malta will have the possibility to participate to interactive quizzes and fast-paced information sessions. They can test their knowledge of their rights and be informed about the possibilities open to them throughout Europe. Brochures, posters, mini-booklets and other promotional material will be available for everybody.

The campaign went first, in September 2008, to Romania, where it attracted 55 000 citizens in 40 towns. The second and third roadshows visited Germany in October 2008 and Bulgaria in November 2008 and were similarly successful. Slovakia and Slovenia were visited in 2009.

List of towns visited:

  • 26.11 - Valletta (Official launch of the campaign and press conference hosted by the Representation Office)
  • 27.11 - Valletta
  • 28.11 - Sliema
  • 29.11 - Gozo
  • 30.11 - Mosta
  • 01.12 - Vittoriosa

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