Klimaat verandering, uitbreiding en het Stockholm programma op de agenda van het het Europees Parlement (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 23 november 2009.

This week, the European Parliament meets in Strasbourg and seven Swedish ministers will attend to represent the Council. On Tuesday, the Parliament will hold hearings with the Swedish Presidency and the Commission on strategies ahead of the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. The European Parliament will vote on a resolution ahead of the conference.

The Stockholm Programme will also be discussed on Tuesday with Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask and Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström.

On Wednesday, Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt will represent the Swedish Presidency in a debate on the EU’s enlargement strategy. The European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs will adopt a resolution on enlargement. The resolution will be debated in the Chamber on Wednesday and the Members will vote on it on Thursday. Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt will also participate in a debate on piracy off the coast of Somalia.

On Wednesday, Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström will participate in a debate ahead of the European Council on 10-11 December. The telecoms package is expected to be adopted and Minister for Communications Åsa Torstensson will be there to sign it. Minister for Integration and Gender Equality Nyamko Sabuni will participate in a debate on violence against women.

Approximate times:

Tuesday, 24 November

9.00-11.50 Climate change

Andreas Carlgren

Approx. 12.00 Doorstep interview

Andreas Carlgren

16.00-19.00 Stockholm Programme

Beatrice Ask, Tobias Billström

Immigration from Afghanistan

Tobias Billström

Discharge from liability for the Council 2007

Cecilia Malmström

Approx. 18.00 Doorstep interview

Beatrice Ask

Wednesday, 25 November

9.00-11.45 Preparations ahead of the European Council

Cecilia Malmström

15.00-19.00 Enlargement: Western Balkans, Turkey, Iceland

Carl Bildt

Men’s violence against women

Nyamko Sabuni

Smoke-free environments

Cecilia Malmström

Piracy off the coast of Somalia

Carl Bildt

Enquiries on potential press briefings or opportunities to ask questions to ministers who are not available for doorstep interviews (see above) should be addressed to the press secretary to the respective minister.