EP-voorzitter Buzek kondigt intensievere samenwerking met Economisch en Sociaal Comité aan (en)
4 November 2009
President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, announces active co-operation with the EESC
In his first statement as President of the European Parliament at the EESC November plenary , Jerzy Buzek recalled the common institutional roles of both assembl ies until the first elections in1979 and explicitly thanked the EESC for the active support in democratization of the European Union. In the citizens ' interest, he expressed his decision for a fresh and fruitful co-operation between the two Assemblies in the framework of the new Lisbon Treaty and stressed that it was the common task of both bodies to bring Europe closer to the citizens since, together, they represented real democracy.
"In his wish to safeguard the European Social Model and his announcement to decidedly protect European leadership in the fight against climate change, the European Parliament President underlines the major concerns of the EESC," says EESC-President Mario Sepi . "These statements will be a strong input for the debate on sustainable development the EESC will have at its plenary, and the best possible way to further strengthen our co-operation," Sepi states.
Georgios Dassis ( President group II, Employees ) asked the European Parliament to ensure support for the poorest citizens hit by the current economic crisis and recalled, as Staffan Nilsson ( President group III , Various Interests ) , the important role M . Buzek played in the recent Polish history. M. Nilsson reiterated that dialogue between both institutions was the basis for a good democratic society. A European society , based on the rule of law, finding common European solutions, avoiding a return to nationalist thinking in a situation of global economic crisis. Henri Malosse , ( President Group I , Employeurs ) , in fluent Polish, furthermore stressed the necessity to keep focus and avoid too detailed regulation at the European level.
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