Spanje presenteert logo EU Voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 oktober 2009.

In two months, Sweden will hand over the EU Presidency to Spain. Today, 29 October, Spain, together with the following Presidency holders, Belgium and Hungary, presented its Presidency logo.

At a press briefing in Brussels on Thursday, the leaders of Spain, Belgium and Hungary presented their shared logo for the coming 18-month period in the Presidency seat in the Council of the EU. The idea of organising the presidencies into three-Presidency teams came about two years ago, and now the trio Spain-Belgium-Hungary want to take it a step further. They presented a shared logo and a new standard for the Presidency website address, which better emphasises the trio cooperation. The three Presidency website addresses will be, and In a month’s time the trio will present their shared work programme for the coming year and a half.

“It is pleasing for EU cooperation as a whole that the cooperation within the three-Presidency team is being developed and strengthened in this way. When the Lisbon Treaty comes into force and the EU has a permanent Council President, there will be even more continuity. This makes the EU a stronger global actor and equips the Union to meet the major challenges of our time”, says Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström.