EU-strategie voor Baltische Zee regio aanvaard (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 26 oktober 2009.

At today's Council meeting in Luxembourg, the General Affairs Council, under the chairmanship of Cecilia Malmström, adopted the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Thus one of the Swedish Presidency's top priorities is brought to a successful conclusion. The ministers also prepared for the summit between the EU heads of state and government on 29–30 October.

Baltic Sea regional cooperation will increase prosperity in the region

The General Affairs Council adopted conclusions on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. In particular, the conclusions stress the Baltic Sea's marine environment and the importance of increased competitiveness in the region.

“Today we have taken a decision on one of the Presidency's four main priorities, an EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region”, says Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström. “This is a major success for the Baltic Sea region, for the EU and for the Swedish Presidency.”

The Baltic Sea Strategy has four main aims: the Baltic Sea region shall become cleaner, more dynamic and prosperous, more accessible and attractive, and security and safety in the region shall be improved. The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is a macro-regional strategy that will facilitate cooperation between the countries around the Baltic, making cooperation more effective without it costing any more. The European Council is expected to welcome the strategy when it meets later in the week.

“The Baltic Sea Strategy gives a good basis for collaboration. We have already identified almost 80 projects that can be implemented under this common strategy”, says the Minister for EU Affairs.

The hope is that the strategy can be used as a model, and that other regions within the EU will be able to work in a similar way.