Bosbranden zetten aan tot meer samenwerking (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 16 september 2009, 13:56.

(Europees Parlement) The EP has called for a rapid release of EU aid funds to help victims of this summer's devastating forest fires in Southern Europe, especially in Greece. MEPs also want more cross-border European action in the fight against such disasters. Furthermore, they criticise some Member States for not having done enough to prevent the fires.

By adopting a resolution with 647 votes in favour, 31 against and 22 abstentions, the House called on the Commission to help in the reforesting and rebuilding of areas which suffered heavy damage. The Commission should also free funds from the current EU Solidarity Fund (EUSF) "in the most flexible manner possible and without delay for assisting the victims", says the resolution.

MEPs criticised some EU countries for not having taken more efficient prevention measures. The House also condemned the practice of legalising illegal construction on protected and non-authorised areas.  

More broadly, Parliament called for a wider European strategy to combat natural disasters, including compulsory measures for risk prevention. Particular attention should be paid to island and outermost regions with low geographic density in this strategy. MEPs also said that an effective European force should be created that can react immediately in the event of emergencies.

However, the EP also emphasised the individual responsibility of Member States for civil protection and disaster control and their primary responsibility for preventing and extinguishing fires. And it called for penal sanctions against arsonists in forest fires.

The total area of vegetation and woodland affected by the fires in Europe this summer was more than 315.000 hectares, according to the European Forest Fires Information System.