Zweeds voorzitterschap bepleit grotere rol EU in Afghanistan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 5 september 2009.

The EU should strengthen its presence in Afghanistan. So said Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt when the informal meeting of foreign ministers closed in Stockholm.

PRESS CONFERENCE (5/9): Carl Bildt and Javier Solana after informal meeting of EU foreign ministers

“We have focused on the Middle East and our concern over the lack of progress in the peace process. We are prepared to do what we can to establish a peace process”, said Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt at a press conference after the meeting.

EU foreign policy spokesman Javier Solana i, who also participated in the press conference, has just returned from travelling in the region. He expressed his confidence of a change in Israel’s position and hoped that progress could soon be achieved in the peace process.

“We have an opportunity now that we must use to move forward”, said Javier Solana.

Carl Bildt reported during the meeting on his latest trip to Afghanistan.

“On the subject of Afghanistan, we spoke about a strengthened political strategy and strengthening our action there, civil, economic and political action”, said Carl Bildt after the meeting. He went on:

“We will be in the country for a long time to come. Our presence is politically oriented.”

Carl Bildt also raised the issue of how important it was that the elections in Afghanistan should be completed and the results cleared from suspicions of fraud so that the election would be credible.

“We must not forget that it is one of the world’s poorest countries with great challenges. These include combating widespread corruption and improving legal security and economic development.”

When it came to the escalating trouble, the Minister for Foreign Affairs said:

“Despite escalating trouble, the military have taken steps to reduce violence and the number of casualties has fallen, but fatalities are still a constant cause for concern.”

During the final lunch of the foreign ministers’ meeting, the candidate countries Croatia, Turkey and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia participated.

”The process of enlargement should continue. It is clear when we meet that we share the same ideas and way of viewing problems and their solutions”, said Javier Solana, observing that the meeting with the candidate countries had been successful.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt expressed his desire to move Turkey and the whole of the Western Balkans on to new phases in the enlargement process during the Swedish Presidency of the EU.

“In my view, the Cyprus peace process is one of the most important events of the coming months”, said Carl Bildt on the question of enlargement.