Klimaat issue bespreken tijdens de 'Water Week' als voorbereiding op de klimaat conferentie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 18 augustus 2009.

"In the wake of climate change, the issue of water is becoming even more important. The environment and climate are one of the Government's main priorities during the Swedish Presidency of the EU," said Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson when she opened the World Water Week on Monday.

During Water Week, Ms Carlsson will be meeting several of her colleagues from other countries to discuss the conditions for developing countries’ climate issues before the UN climate meeting in Copenhagen in December. These are important preparations ahead of the meeting, where Sweden, in its capacity as Presidency, will speak on behalf of the EU in negotiations.

“I want Sweden to be at the forefront, both in implementing effective measures at home and in helping to develop international cooperation to respond to the climate challenge. It is in the developing countries that climate change is having the most obvious impact and is hitting hardest,” says Ms Carlsson.

The European water agencies are meeting this week in Stockholm to discuss issues such as climate change and water. Also currently underway is Water Week, one of the world’s largest annual water events, which is increasingly focusing on water and climate issues.