Informele bijeenkomst Raad Milieu & Energie: Europa voortrekkersrol gaan vervullen

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 24 juli 2009.

An informal meeting of the EU ministers for energy and environment is now under way in Åre. The guest speakers invited to the day's first work session included Lord Nicholas Stern, who spoke about Europe's opportunities in the transition to an eco-efficient economy.

A European eco-efficient economy sets out an integrated approach for energy, environment and industrial policy in Europe, outlining how we can combine climate change mitigation with a secure energy supply and strong economic performance and competitiveness.

Talk of a ‘green economy’, a ‘green new deal’ and a ‘green industrial revolution’ has gathered momentum over recent months. What could this mean for the EU? How can European policy makers and businesses take best advantage?

Lord Nicholas Stern spoke about Europe's opportunities in the transition to an eco-efficient economy. An eco-efficient economy is about making use of the opportunities for growth and new jobs provided by environmental transition. A more efficient use of resources can help the EU reach its climate and energy goals while at the same time bringing benefits to the economy and increasing the competitiveness of the business sector.

Hosting the meeting in Åre are Minister for Enterprise and Energy Maud Olofsson and Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren.

”It is not enough that Europe is second best at moving society in a more environmentally friendly direction. We need to be number one. At the meeting, we have highlighted the opportunities brought by the current crises”, said Minister for Enterprise and Energy Maud Olofsson after the meeting.

Andreas Carlgren spoke about an eco-efficient economy.

“We must not be tempted to conserve non-competitive jobs or business by falling into old-fashioned industrial policies or increased protectionism. Instead, the economic crisis gives us a golden opportunity to create long-term conditions for an eco-efficient economy. This will provide Europe with opportunities to create new jobs, growth and environmental improvements”, stated Andreas Carlgren.

The potential in sectors such as increasing energy efficiency in old and new buildings, renewable energy, sustainable transport and sustainable agriculture, and organic produce was highlighted.

When revising the Lisbon Strategy, more priority should be given to green growth, eco-innovation and the development of skills for industry and services in the areas of environment, resource efficiency and renewable energy. The EU needs to build and maintain a strong global position in providing products and services demanded by, and needed for, a greener and more sustainable economy across the world.

”The transition to an eco-efficient economy needs to permeate several policy areas. We have focused on how we as environment ministers can influence and contribute to a more environmentally friendly economy by, for example, creating a framework that sends a clear message to market actors to invest in eco-efficient technology and production processes. A ’greener’ Lisbon Strategy needs to have a clear focus on research, innovation and development that can contribute to a more eco-efficient economy. A future strategy must have the transition to an eco-efficient economy as its starting point", said Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren after the meeting.