EESC steunt regionale samenwerking van ACS-landen als maatregel tegen gevolgen globalisatie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 20 juli 2009.


20 July 2009

EESC backs regional integration of ACP countries to cope with globalisation

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is calling for a more effective and active EU role in the regional integration of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries in order to aid their development.With these countries hard put to defend their economic and social interests in the teeth of globalisation, the EESC is encouraging regional integration as a means of capitalising on the benefits of the phenomenon while steering clear of its drawbacks.

The issue is examined in an opinion drafted by rapporteurs Gérard Dantin (Group II, Employees, France) and Luca Jahier (Group III, Various Interests, Italy) and adopted by the Committee at its plenary session on 15 and 16 July 2009. Presenting the opinion, the two rapporteurs stressed that the EESC was seeking to make regional integration, especially in Africa, the main plank of the 2010 revision of the Cotonou Agreement, the regulatory basis of ACP-EU relations.

The EESC opinion regrets the lack of any in-depth examination of the difficulties experienced so far and the absence of clear priorities for the future. Mr Dantin also spoke of the importance of "drawing up a candid inventory of the obstacles encountered so that requirements can be deduced and prioritised". The EESC underscores the need to focus the European strategy on peace and security, the prerequisites for making these countries more stable and so fostering their development.

The EESC also points out the particular need for continued scrutiny of the management of resources given to these regions (such as the European Development Fund) in order to forestall corruption. The way for these countries to develop is through a reorientation of their economies, rural and sustainable development, expansion of the private sector (especially SMEs), good governance and the fostering of effective socio-professional networks at regional level.

To this end, the Committee calls for consideration of ideas such as promoting regional cooperation between the EU's outermost regions and the integrated ACP regions that make up their geographical environment. Other issues include the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) at regional level, the impact on this integration of the emergence of new economic "powers", such as China, and the fallout of the current financial and economic crisis. The EESC is contributing on this front by holding consultation sessions and meetings of ACP-EU economic and social circles, as well as regular regional seminars in the ACP countries.

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