Europarlementariërs waarnemer bij verkiezingen in Moldavië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 juli 2009, 9:50.

Seven MEPs will be in Moldova to observe the new legislative elections due on Wednesday 29 July.

Parliament's observation mission will be led by Romanian MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu (EPP).

On the eve of the poll, the MEPs will meet the main political parties competing in the election, which is a re-run of the election held on 5 April.

The EP delegation will also meet media representatives and will consult the head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly obsevation mission, the Greek parliamentarian Petros Efthymiou.

The EP delegation will hold a press conference in Chisinau on Thursday morning (date and time to be confirmed).

Together with Mr Marinescu, the delegation is made up of Andrzej Grzyb (EPP, PL), Cristian Dan Preda (EPP, RO), Zigmantas Balcytis (S&D, LT), Kristian Vigenin (S&D, BG), Renate WEBER (ALDE, RO) and Tatjana Zdanoka (Verts/ALE, LT).