Zweedse premier Reinfeldt feliciteert Jerzy Buzek

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 14 juli 2009.

In a letter, Fredrik Reinfeldt i congratulates Jerzy Buzek i on his election as President of the European Parliament.

”Dear Mr Buzek,

On behalf of the Presidency and the Swedish government, I wish to congratulate you warmly on your election as President of the European Parliament. I wish you every success in this important endeavour.

For our Presidency, it is essential to establish close relations with the newly elected Parliament and I look forward to working closely with you to achieve positive results for Europe.

Yours sincerely,

Fredrik Reinfeldt

Prime Minister of Sweden”

Tomorrow the Prime Minister will have the opportunity to congratulate the new President in person, during his visit to the European Parliament where he is presenting the Swedish Presidency's work programme.