Persverklaring van informeel overleg Ministers van Sociale Zaken in Jönköping (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 9 juli 2009.

Press release by the Swedish Presidency in cooperation with the partner Trio Presidencies, France and the Czech Republic, and the upcoming Spanish Presidency.

At the informal meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs in Jönköping, organised by the Swedish Presidency, the Ministers highlighted the need for continued efforts to mitigate the impact of the current crisis while remaining committed to meeting Europe’s long term challenges. In this context, the Swedish Presidency expressed its intention to prepare a contribution from the EPSCO council to the discussion on the follow up to the Lisbon Strategy.

Ministers discussed how active labour market policies and active social security policies can alleviate the impact of the financial and economic crisis. It was also emphasised that Europe can exit from the current crises structurally stronger by intensifying the implementation of efficient reforms.

Ministers agreed that promoting inclusive labour markets must remain one of the top priorities for Member States as the full use of the work-force potential is crucial for the prosperity of Europe and the welfare and well-being of its citizens. In this respect, efforts to facilitate the entrance to the labour market for young people were highlighted.

There was also broad consensus that labour market inclusion can be increased by using tools such as the common principles of Flexicurity and Active Inclusion strategies as well as preparing for the jobs and skills of the future, including Life-Long Learning strategies. Special attention was given to the importance of maintaining a close cooperation with the social partners and other key stakeholders.

Ministers welcomed the common approach established in the European Economic Recovery Plan and the work achieved during the French and Czech Presidencies. However, Ministers recognised that at the outset of the prevailing crisis, about one third of the working-age population in the EU was outside the work force. Ministers therefore stressed that active labour market policies and active social security policies are crucial to avoid that rising unemployment leads to an increase in labour market exclusion.