Zweedse minister-president namens EU aanwezig op G8-top (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 6 juli 2009.

In his capacity as President of the European Council, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt i will attend the G8 i meeting in L’Aquila, Italy, 8-10 July. At the meeting, topics of discussion will include the international financial and economic crisis, climate change and development issues. The summit will be informal and a number of declarations will be adopted.

G8 is an informal forum made up of the USA, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia. In addition, the President of the European Council participates, along with the President of the European Commission. A number of other European and African countries will also attend the meeting, as will representatives of various international institutions, including the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

In connection with the summit, a meeting will also be held within the framework of the Major Economies Forum (MEF). MEF is a process initiated by the USA for the work that will be undertaken within the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and is made up of large industrialised economies.

Follow the meeting on the Swedish Presidency’s website, The website is continually updated throughout the Presidency period, with webcasts of press conferences, press releases, news articles and more.

Programme points


12:00 Press conference with Fredrik Reinfeldt and José Manuel Barroso

13:00 Working lunch for participating G8 countries

15:30 Work session

19:00 Press conference

20:30 Working dinner for participating G8 countries


10:00 Work session G8+Outreach 5 including Egypt

12:30 Working lunch G8+Outreach 5 including Egypt, IEA, ILO, IMF, OECD, UN, WB, WTO

14:30 J8 (summit delegates meet young representatives of the G8, Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa and Egypt)

15:00 Major Economies Forum

Ca 18:30 Press conference with Fredrik Reinfeldt and José Manuel Barroso

20:00 Press conference

20:30 Dinner


08:30 Working breakfast G8+African countries, AU, IEA, ILO, IMF, OECD, UN, WB, WTO

10:30 Work session G8+Outreach 5 and others