Succesvolle vergadering ministers van volksgezondheid in Jönköping (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 7 juli 2009.

There were many important issues on the agenda when the health ministers met on Monday and Tuesday, 6 and 7 July, in Jönköping. The ministers discussed, among other things, preparedness for pandemic influenza, patients’ rights when seeking healthcare in other EU countries, antibiotic resistance, and prevention of alcohol related harm.

“I am very pleased with the meeting and the talks we have had during these past few days. For Sweden, it was important to bring about a meeting early on in the Presidency and thus have the opportunity to present our agenda”, says Göran Hägglund, Minister for Health and Social Affairs.

“The talks have been constructive.  My impression is that we are closer to a solution in many of the issues discussed. To us, it has of course been particularly pleasing to hold the meeting here in Jönköping”, says Maria Larsson, Minister for Elderly Care and Public Health.  

One of the issues on the agenda concerns patients’ rights to healthcare in other EU countries.  Last year, the EU Commission presented a proposal for a directive that would clarify the situation for patients who travel to other EU countries for healthcare. The Swedish Presidency wants to reach a political agreement at the Council meeting in December.

“As people move between the European countries more and more, there is an increasing need for a new regulatory framework that supports the patient.  To me, it is important that people should be granted compensation for healthcare received in another country”, says Minister for Health and Social Affairs Göran Hägglund. 

“With the current system, patients in a weak financial position are put at a disadvantage, as patients cannot be certain that they will receive compensation afterwards. We therefore need a new regulatory framework which is predictable and clear and does not put any patients at a disadvantage”, says Hägglund. 

Another issue that was discussed during Monday's meeting was preparedness for pandemic influenza and the spread of the new influenza. At the meeting, the ministers were given a report on the current situation of the disease and a decision was reached to call an extra ministerial meeting focusing on the influenza. The meeting is planned for October.  Important steps towards an EU strategy for pandemic preparedness were thus taken.

The issue of antibiotic resistance was also discussed during the meeting.  The Swedish Presidency raised the issue of developing new, effective antibiotics.

“We are facing a great common challenge in the area of antibiotics.  We risk ending up in a situation where the antibiotics we have are no longer effective”, said Minister for Health and Social Affairs Göran Hägglund in connection with the meeting.

The Presidency’s ambition is that the Council shall be able to adopt conclusions on stimulus measures to encourage access to effective antibiotics.

On Tuesday, prevention of alcohol related harm was on the agenda. The Presidency’s ambition is that the Council shall adopt conclusions at its meeting in December to support the EU alcohol strategy which was presented by the European Commission in 2006.

”Long term, patient efforts are required to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol.  The EU’s alcohol strategy is a good tool.  We must ensure that the measures to counteract the harmful effects of alcohol remain high on the EU’s agenda”, says Minister for Elderly Care and Public Health Maria Larsson.

The informal ministerial meeting continues for another two days, but with labour market and social security issues on the agenda.