Verslag plenaire zitting EESC over het Zweeds voorzitterschap en het Europees visserijbeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 13 juli 2009.


13 July 2009

EESC plenary session to discuss Swedish presidency and fisheries policy

The EESC plenary session on 1 5 and 16 July 2009 will see statements from the Swedish Minister for Employment on behalf of the EU presidency and Commissioner Joe Borg, as well as an exchange of views with the future president of the International Association of economic and social councils and similar institutions (AICESIS). The EESC will also discuss and adopt a series of key opinions on consumer policy, sex tourism and the automotive industry.

Venue : József Antall Building (European Parliament), room JAN 2Q2, 1040 Brussels.

Date: 15 July 2009, 2.30 p.m.

Work Programme of the Swedish EU presidency

Sven Otto Littorin , the Swedish Minister for Employment, will present the work programme of the Swedish presidency of the Council, followed by a debate with EESC members.

Date: 16 July 2009, 9 a.m.

Revision of the EU fisheries policy

Joe Borg, Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, will present the proposal to revise the EU's fisheries policy and his ideas for an integrated maritime policy to the EESC. This will be followed by a discussion with EESC members. At 7.30 p.m. the EESC will host a Maltese cultural evening.

Date: 15 July 2009, 5.30 p.m.

AICESIS programme

The future president of the International Association of economic and social councils and similar institutions (AICESIS) will present the work programme of AICESIS, followed by a debate with EESC members.

Date: 15 July 2009, 2.30 p.m.

Other key topics to be covered at the EESC's plenary session include:

  • Consumer rights
  • Urban areas and youth violence
  • Protection for children from travelling sex offenders
  • R oad transport emissions
  • Civil society in EU-Bosnia-Herzegovina relations
  • Regional integration for development in ACP countries
  • The components and downstream markets of the automotive industry

To consult the agenda of the plenary session and the draft opinions, please visit:


For more details, please contact:

Barbara Gessler at the EESC Press Office,

99 rue Belliard, B-1040 Brussels

Tel.: +32 2 546 9396 ; Mobile: +32 475 75 32 02



Press Releases: (English) (French)


The European Economic and Social Committee represents the various economic and social components of organised civil society. It is an institutional consultative body established by the 1957 Treaty of Rome. Its consultative role enables its members, and hence the organisations they represent, to participate in the Community decision-maki ng process. The Committee has 344 members, who are appointed by the Council of Ministers.