Hoofdstuk belastingen geopend met Turkije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 30 juni 2009.

The intergovernmental accession conference with Turkey ends successfully with opening the Chapter 16 on Taxation which is an important chapter and a significant step on Turkey´s path toward to the EU. Today´s progress has proved that the EU´s enlargement policy is on track. It also proved that the Czech EU presidency, an advocate of a wider, more open and all-inclusive European Union, worked hard right up till the very last day.

The pace of accession negotiations continues to depend on Turkey´s own preparations. Turkey must actively pursue reforms, and we welcome the government´s renewed commitment in this respect.

There are several benchmarks that need to be met before Chapter 16 can be provisionally closed. These include the following:

  • Turkey has to fully implement the Additional Protocol to the Association Agreement in a non-dicriminatory manner
  • It must make significant progress in alligning its legislation with that of the EU in the fields of VAT and excise duties and fully eliminate the discriminatory taxation of alcoholic beverages, imported tobacco and cigarettes in line with its obligations.
  • It also has to demonstrate its administrative capacity to enforce its tax legislation
  • and  reach sufficient progress in developing all related IT interconnectivity systems.

The Czech EU Presidency has worked hard so that accession negotiations with Turkey advance. We support the incoming Swedish presidency as well as our Turkish partners in their intentions to continue on this track.



  • Jan Slíva, Spokesman for Coreper II and COPS
  • Tel.: +32 2 2139 332, GSM: +32 475 734 263, E-mail: jan_sliva@mzv.cz