Zweden zet prioriteiten voorzitterschap uiteen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 9 juni 2009.

“Managing the financial crisis and unemployment and addressing climate change – these will be the two main priorities of the Swedish Presidency.” So said Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt i today at a seminar at CEPS, the Centre for European Policy Studies, in Brussels, where he spoke about the Swedish Presidency.

During his speech, the Prime Minister referred to the particular circumstances that will characterise the Swedish Presidency. These include the election of a new European Parliament, a new Commission taking office during the Presidency and uncertainty surrounding the Treaty of Lisbon. Combating climate change, establishing an international climate agreement during the Swedish Presidency and working to tackle the financial crisis are all major issues for the Swedish Presidency to address.

“Europe is facing many difficult challenges. I am convinced that every challenge is an opportunity. And that is what the Swedish Presidency is all about – taking on the challenge”, said the Prime Minister.

“At the same time, I want to make clear that the challenges we are facing are not only the Presidency’s responsibility. They are the shared responsibility of the whole of Europe.”

Besides the main priorities, the Prime Minister also spoke about other important issues Sweden intends to pursue during the six months. These include judicial cooperation under the Stockholm Programme. A Baltic Sea Strategy is also on the agenda, to improve the environment in the Baltic Sea and strengthen the region’s competitiveness and integration in the EU. The Prime Minister also took up the accession negotiations with Croatia and Turkey, and emphasised that progress will chiefly depend on the efforts made by the two countries.

“Europe and the Swedish Presidency face many challenges. In addition, we must expect the unexpected. Dealing with unforeseen events is often what distinguishes a Presidency. By working together in a way that is open, efficient and results oriented, we will take on this challenge”, said Fredrik Reinfeldt.