Transportministers bespreken TENS, passagiersrechten en goederenvervoer per spoor (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 11 juni 2009.

On the first day the Ministers of Transport will meet for the second formal Council during the Czech Presidency. The meeting will be chaired by Czech Minister of Transport Gustáv Slamecka.

One of the main items on the agenda will be the debate and adoption of the Council conclusions on the future policy for the trans-European transport network.

Another important item is the debate on a proposal for a Regulation concerning a European rail network for competitive freight and a proposal for a Regulation on the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport.

The Ministers for Telecommunications will also meet today. The meeting will be chaired by Czech Minister of Industry and Trade Vladimír Tošovský.

On the agenda is, among other things, an exchange of views on the European network and information security policy and the Internet of Things – An action plan for Europe.

Press Releases:

11.6.2009 - Telecommunications Ministers to meet in Luxembourg today


You can find more information in the Calendar.



  •  Lada Hlavácková, spokesperson of the Ministry of Transport for the Presidency
  •  tel: +420 225 131 530, mobile: +420 607 946 989; e-mail: