Website over Zweeds voorzitterschap EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 1 juni 2009.

In exactly one month, Sweden takes over the Presidency of the EU. Today, 1 June, Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström presents the Presidency website,

The overall aims of the Swedish Presidency are that it should be transparent, efficient and results oriented. These goals have also guided the development of the website. The ambition is that the website will be the most comprehensive source of information for those who want to follow the Presidency.

“The website is more generous than those of previous Presidencies, for example in terms of contact details. This is a concrete way to demonstrate accessibility and transparency”, says Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström.

It is easy to navigate around the calendar, which has viewing options that allow the user to select the information that particularly interests him or her. All the information about individual meetings will be gathered in one place – this includes agendas, texts and conclusions. Today it is not possible to find the agendas of the working groups on the internet. The Swedish Presidency will publish agendas so that it is easy to follow developments on a particular issue.

Editors will report for the website from all the major meetings. Film will also be used to a greater extent than has been done before on Presidency websites. Different key players will give an insight into the world of the Presidency through interviews broadcast on the website, blogs and Twitter. Getting bloggers involved is an important aim for the Presidency website.

As 1 July approaches, further information and functions will gradually be added to the website.