Raad werkgelegenheid, sociaal beleid, volksgezondheid en consumentenzaken (EPSCO), 8 & 9 juni 2009.

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 8 juni 2009.
  • Date: 8.6.2009 — 9.6.2009
  • Venue: Luxemburg
  • Category: Council of Ministers
  • Theme: Employment, Soc. Pol., Health and Cons. Affairs


The Employment, Social Policy and Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), attended by Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs and chaired by Minister Petr Šimerka, will meet in Luxembourg.

The main point of the meeting will traditionally include preparation of the contribution to the European Council to be held in June regarding solutions to the impacts of the current economic crisis on unemployment. The main messages of the Employment Summit, which took place on 7 May in Prague, will serve as a basis for the discussion of the Ministers.

Based on the message of the Employment Summit the European Commission prepared two crucial communications “Communication on a shared commitment for employment” and “Dealing with the impact of an ageing population in the EU”.

As a part of preparations for the European Council the EU27 Ministers should also adopt conclusions on the concept of flexicurity in times of crisis and conclusions on social services in the context of active inclusion and new jobs.

In addition, the Council will discuss the draft decision on the main directions of employment policy in EU Member States in 2009. The priorities of this decision include the following: attempts to maintain employment, to increase the adaptability of workers and businesses and to increase investments in education and training.

The Presidency will issue a report on the development regarding the directive on safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding and the anti-discrimination directive.

Within the framework of the report on the third phase of transitional measures, the European Commission will publish information on the argumentation of Germany and Austria in favour of prolonging restrictions imposed on the free movement of workers on their labour markets until 2011.


Jana Ríhová, Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Tel.: +420 221 922 249, GSM: +420 725 761 147, E-mail: jana.rihova@mpsv.cz


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