EU en Rusland om de tafel over energievoorziening (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 30 april 2009.

Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs i, Minister of Trade and Industry of the Czech Presidency, Martin Riman and Maud Olofsson, Minister for Enterprise and Energy and Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden, met the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin and the Russian Minister of Energy Sergey Shmatko in Moscow today, in the framework of the fourth EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council on Energy. They discussed in particular latest developments in the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue, bilateral cooperation on energy in the framework of other international organizations and exchanged views on future energy relations between Russia and the EU.

"Reinforcing confidence between the EU and Russia, based on strong legal frameworks, is crucial. While negotiations on the new EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation agreement are already underway we also need to achieve progress in the short term. There are a number of ongoing initiatives, such as the Early Warning Mechanism, that should be enhanced and made more operational in terms of follow up and preventing crisis in the future", said Commissioner Piebalgs.

The PPC enabled participants to improve mutual understanding of the evolution of EU-Russia energy relations in the near future, in particular by exchanging views on the impact of the financial crisis on energy sectors in Russia and the EU. Ministers also discussed the latest policy developments in the field of energy in the EU and in Russia. The sides continued rebuilding confidence and trust, following the January gas crisis. The meeting has been a good opportunity to propose options to enhance the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue, building on the January experience and lessons learnt.

Moreover, the EU and Russia achieved progress on joint initiatives, such as the Enhanced Early Warning Mechanism and endorsed the continued validity of the Terms of reference for monitoring of gas flows from Russia to the EU through Ukraine.

The next high level meeting that will, among other issues, address EU-Russia relations in the energy field will be the EU-Russia Summit which will take place on 21-22 May in Khabarovsk.

Further information and material on EU-Russia energy cooperation is available here.