Europese Commissie lanceert nieuwsbrief over concurrentie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 30 april 2009.

The European Commission has produced a new weekly competition newsletter, available by e-mail, summarising key developments in all areas of competition policy, including antitrust and cartels, merger and state aid. The summary also includes speeches of Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes i and important competition cases at the EU Courts. This summary complements the State Aid Weekly e-News which has over 4000 e-mail subscribers. In addition, a new e-mail subscription system will enable users to choose which alerts and news on publications they wish to receive. The initiative is part of the Commission’s efforts to raise awareness of competition policy and ensure a better understanding of its role within the European Single Market.

The Commission has created a weekly newsletter on competition and revised several of its publications allowing a better choice between quick and in-depth reading, more subscription options and better targeted news alerts. While aimed primarily at professionals dealing with competition policy on a regular basis, the publications are accessible to all audiences. This includes national authorities, legal and business communities, and citizens.

Readers looking for information on cases and latest updates in the competition policy area will be able to subscribe to:

  • the Competition weekly news summary, including short summaries and links to press releases on key developments on antitrust (including cartels), merger control and state aid control, selected speeches by the Commissioner for Competition and judgements from the Courts of the European Union;
  • the State Aid Weekly e-News, which features information on new legislative texts and proposals, decisions of the European Commission and the Courts of the European Union, information on block exempted measures introduced by Member States and other state aid-related documents and events;
  • the Competition Policy Newsletter, issued 3 times a year with articles written by staff of the Competition Directorate-General about policy issues and cases, in English or French;
  • the Annual Report on Competition Policy, the report on car prices within the European Union and others studies and reports;
  • latest public consultations on Green Papers, White Papers, draft notices and draft legislation.

More information on these publications and on how to subscribe is available at:

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