Verklaring voorzitterschap EU over recente ontwikkelingen in Fiji (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Politiek en Veiligheidscomité (PSC), gepubliceerd op vrijdag 17 april 2009.

The European Union notes with great concern recent developments in the Republic of the Fiji Islands following the decision on 10 April 2009 to abrogate the Constitution. The EU calls on the relevant Parties in Fiji to comply with commitments previously made to the EU and to the wider international community, to work towards the early return to full civilian democracy in Fiji.

The EU expresses concern about the wellbeing of the ordinary citizens from communities and attaches the highest importance to respect for the Constitution of the Republic of the Fiji Islands. The EU calls on the political leaders, and all other actors, to act with respect for democratic principles and the independence of the judiciary and freedom of the media. It is also important for Fiji that democratic elections be held as soon as possible.

The EU underlines the need for genuine, inclusive and transparent dialogue with all relevant stakeholders. The EU confirms its decision of 1 October 2007, which stipulates that under Article 8 of the Cotonou Agreement, an enhanced political dialogue will be conducted with Fiji to ensure the respect for human rights, restoration of democracy and respect for the rule of law until both parties conclude that the enhanced nature of dialogue has served its purpose.