Scholen in heel Europa openen deuren in Week van Comenius vanaf 20 april (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 20 april 2009.

Between 20 April and 8 May, schools across Europe will open their doors to show how partnerships with schools in other EU countries can bring creative and innovative learning into the classroom. During Comenius Week 2009 many of the around 10,000 schools that take part in the EU’s Comenius programme will present their activities to visitors through open days, competitions and conferences.

The Comenius programme, the part of the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme dedicated to school education, encourages and supports cross-border partnerships between schools in Europe. Participating schools work on common projects, visit their partner schools and set up video conferences or online chats. School students work together on art works, videos and publications - learning about each other’s countries and the variety of Europe's cultures.

Find out what happens in your country during Comenius Week 2009:

More about the Comenius programme: