Topolánek voor toetreding van westelijke Balkan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 10 maart 2009.

Czech Prime Minister and President of the European Council Mirek Topolánek i expressed his support for EU enlargement by the Western Balkans countries during today’s visit to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The Presidency thus continues to fulfil one of its three priorities. European Council President Topolánek is to visit Montenegro tomorrow.

“You have a graduation ahead of you in the form of elections. I hope they will be free, democratic and that you will satisfy the eight conditions set by the European Commission. I hope that you will be able to shape the future of your country in a democratic way, preferably in the Euro-Atlantic Structures”, said Mirek Topolánek at a press conference in Skopje.

Elections are due soon in both the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro. According to the Czech Prime Minister and President of the European Council, international standards must be obeyed. The Czech Presidency supports the ongoing integration process in both countries; however, the continuation and the speed of the accession process are now in the hands of each country.

In addition to EU enlargement, Czech Prime Minister and President of the European Council Mirek Topolánek and Prime Minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski discussed support for NATO membership, liberalisation of the visa regime, impacts of the global financial and economic crisis, and energy security. Prime Minister Topolánek also praised the soldiers of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq - their mission shows that preparations for NATO membership are running full steam ahead.

Tomorrow, the President of the European Council will visit another Western Balkans country - Montenegro - where he will discuss the country’s integration in the European Union and energy-related issues. Mr Topolánek’s agenda in Podgorica includes a meeting with President Filip Vujanovic and bilateral talks with Prime Minister Milo Dukanovic and President of the Montenegro Parliament Ranko Krivokapic.

Contact: Jirí František Potužník, Spokesman of the Prime Minister for the Czech EU Presidency Tel.: +420 224 002 497, GSM: +420 725 818 435, E-mail: