Agendapunten plenaire vergadering Straatsburg (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 6 maart 2009, 17:03.

Plenary Session – Strasbourg

Economic crisis.  MEPs debate and vote on reports on the Commission’s recovery plan, on employment policy guidelines and on cohesion policy, plus resolutions giving Parliament’s position ahead of the Spring European Council (debate and votes Wednesday).   In addition, the Economics Committee votes at first reading on changes to the capital requirements directive to improve the supervision of the banking sector (Monday).

Maritime package .  Votes on six conciliation agreements and two second-reading agreements with Council should bring into law a set of measures to further improve maritime safety (debate Tuesday, vote Wednesday).

Eurovignette.   MEPs will decide whether to give Member States the option to base road charges for lorries partly on the basis of the air and noise pollution – and the congestion – they cause (debate Tuesday, vote Wednesday).

Industrial pollution.  Rules to reduce pollution from industrial installations come to first reading (debate and vote Tuesday).

EU enlargement.   The latest progress reports on Turkey, Croatia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will be debated and put to the vote (debate Wednesday, vote Thursday).

Access to documents.  Parliament will decide on new rules to widen public access to the EU institutions’ documents (debate Tuesday, vote Wednesday).

Asylum system.  MEPs are set to debate and vote on the future of the European Common Asylum System (debate Monday, vote Tuesday)

Social situation of the Roma.  A report considering how to improve access to the labour market for the Roma will be put to the vote (brief presentation Monday, vote Tuesday).

Roaming charges.  The Industry Committee votes on plans to extend in time the EU-cap on excessive charges for roaming with mobile phones and to include a cap on text message charges (Monday).

Cross-border healthcare.   The Environment Committee is due to vote at first reading on patients’ rights to seek medical treatment outside their own Member State (Thursday).