Verklaring Mirek Topolánek voorafgaand aan de informele EU-top in Brussel (en)
Statement by Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and President of the European Council Mirek Topolánek i.
"Europe will only overcome the crisis if we act together in a coordinated way and if we abide by the Community rules. We do not want any new dividing lines; we do not want a Europe divided along a North-South or an East-West line; pursuing a beggar-thy-neighbour policy is unacceptable. That the internal market remains united is of vital importance. We must make the most of the opportunities offered by the internal market - we must make it the driving force of recovery, promoting economic growth and employment. At the informal summit on Sunday it should be further acknowledged that for the fiscal stimuli adopted by the Member States to be efficient it is essential to unlock the frozen credit flows. All efforts and measures to fight the economic crisis within the EU must respect the principle of solidarity, but they also require that all players show responsibility."
Contact: Jirí František Potužník, Spokesman of the Prime Minister for the Czech EU Presidency Tel.: +420 224 002 497, GSM: +420 725 818 435, E-mail: