Overheidssteun: Commissie onderschrijft 39 miljoen regionale investeringshulp aan Thin Film in Duitsland (en)
The European Commission has authorised, under EC Treaty state aid rules, €39.72 million of regional investment aid, which the German authorities intend to grant to ersol Thin Film GmbH for the production of thin-film solar modules in Erfurt, Germany. The project involves investments of €371 million and is expected to create 461 direct new jobs in the region. The Commission found the measure to be compatible with the requirements of the EU Regional Aid Guidelines 2007-2013 (see IP/05/1653), and in particular with its rules on large investment projects, as ersol Thin Film would not gain significant new market shares and the investment takes place in a fast growing market, the photovoltaic sector. Therefore the positive impact of the investment on regional development can be considered to outweigh the potential distortions of competition.
Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes i said: “This investment project is expected to create new jobs in Erfurt and will contribute to the development of the region without unduly distorting competition."
Ersol Thin Film GmbH is controlled by Robert Bosch GmbH via the holding company ersol Solar Energy AG. It is extending an existing plant to manufacture solar modules based on the thin-film technology. Solar modules allow, as part of an integrated solar energy system, to convert sunlight into electricity.
The project is to be carried out in Erfurt, Thüringen, Germany, an area eligible for regional aid under Article 87(3)(a) of the EC Treaty as a region with an abnormally low standard of living and high unemployment.
The German authorities intend to grant the notified aid on the basis of existing aid schemes. The aid is in line with the applicable regional aid rules. In particular, the aid ceiling for large investment projects is not exceeded and Robert Bosch GmbH's market shares on the world market for solar modules would remain far below the 25% threshold laid down in the Regional Aid Guidelines. As the solar module market has a double-digit growth rate, which is fairly above the European Economic Area (EEA) growth rate, the Commission also concluded that the additional production capacity created by the project would raise no concerns.
The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number N 538/2008 in the State Aid Register on the DG Competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. New publications of state aid decisions on the internet and in the Official Journal are listed in the State Aid Weekly e-News.