EU-ministers eens over noodzaak om kinderzorg te verbeteren (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 5 februari 2009.

A very fruitful debate which took place during the meeting has shown that the Member States consider a debate on childcare to be very desirable.

Today’s meeting of Ministers for Family Affairs, held by the Czech Presidency in the context of implementation of horizontal support for families, which is a priority in EU policies, addressed the “Barcelona Objectives” which favour collective care facilities for small children.

The debate showed that the Member States differ in their opinions on how to support the reconciliation of family and employment, these differences stemming from their respective cultural, historical and political traditions and experiences. Most Member States confirmed their support for the Barcelona Objectives but said that they did not intend to finish their implementation by 2010. Some countries also stressed the need to respect the division of competences in the area of family policy.

The discussion has established a general consensus on several principles that should be taken into consideration simultaneously. The factor of the best interest of the child was emphasised as one of the solutions of the policy of reconciliation of family and employment. However, the perspectives of individual Member States on the definition of such interest differ. Consensus has been reached on the issue of taking into consideration the quality of care. At the same time, freedom of families, which should be “bi-directional” and should enhance various forms of childcare in accordance with the actual interest from parents and demand of the families, was generally accentuated. A number of countries have supported the need for social recognition on non-formalised and unpaid childcare, which is one of the conditions of fulfilling the objectives of equality between men and women.

The meeting of Ministers indicated that, despite the different perspectives of the individual Member States, a consensus has been reached that it is necessary to consider the best interest of the child, quality of care, freedom of families as well as demand when trying to reach the defined objectives. The launching of the discussion of the outlined topics of childcare and family policy was generally accepted in a very positive manner. The meeting has thus met the objective specified by the Czech Presidency.

For more information see the Calendar. Contact: Jana Ríhová, spokesperson for the Presidency, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic tel.: +420 221 922 249, GSM: +420 725 761 147 ; e-mail: ,