Verklaring van het Voorzitterschap over het referendum in Bolivia (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Politiek en Veiligheidscomité (PSC), gepubliceerd op woensdag 28 januari 2009.





Brussels, 28 January 2009

5900/09 (Presse 23)

P 11

Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on referendum in Bolivia

The European Union notes with satisfaction the secure and peaceful conditions in which the referendum was held on 25 January through which the new Constitution has been approved. It expresses its hope that the result will enable the Bolivian people to move forward in a peaceful and consensual manner.

The European Union calls on all parties to recognize the results of the referendum, and to ensure that the process of change respects the rights of all Bolivians. It calls on all political actors to work together to strengthen the unity of the country, the democratic institutions of the State and the rule of law, and to face in a spirit of openness the challenges facing Bolivia.

The European Union notes the role played by political dialogue in the peaceful settlement of disputes and in creating the conditions that allowed the referendum to take place. The European Union reaffirms its continuing readiness to accompany the process of democratic change and support the continuation of dialogue between all parties.

The European Union would also like to thank the European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM), which has accompanied the democratic process in Bolivia, and welcomes its preliminary statement on the constitutional referendum.