Top over verbetering Europese gezondheidszorg zal plaatsvinden op 4-6 februari (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 januari 2009.

On 4 – 6 February the Czech Presidency will welcome representatives of the EU Member States and candidate countries (Croatia) at a conference on expert level.

At the request of the European Commission, joint cooperation and a connection between the Meeting of Chief Nursing Officers and the first Policy Dialogue on the Migration of Nurses was established in cooperation with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. The main document on the first day of the conference will be the Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health followed by a discussion of issues concerning general nurses and midwives. The Green Paper was adopted by the European Commission last year in December and started a public debate in the EU Member States that lasted several months. The Green Paper should point out the issues that the medical staff has to confront and it creates a clearer vision of the common challenges that the staff of the EU Member States has to face; for instance demographic development, lack of interest in numerous job offers in the area of medical care and public health on the part of the young generations. The objective of this document is also to determine areas where the European Commission could take further measures and launch a debate on such measures.

The conference will take place on 4 - 6 February in Hotel Ambassador (Václavské námestí/ Prague)

Topics of the first day of the meeting:

Introduction of the Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health; Register of medical staff Life-long learning of nurses and credit system; Financing of specialised education, the Bologna Process - education of medical staff;

In the ensuing days the European Observatory will focus on Lack and migration of nurses;

Speakers: Ministry of Health: Deputy Minister of Health, Bc. Nina Müllerová European Commission Representatives: Elisabeth Kidd, DG SANCO The WHO in the Czech Republic: Barbora Neubauerová EFN (European Federation of Nurses Association): Paul de Reave EUA (European University Association): Andy Gibbs ÚZIS: Mgr. Romana Malecková NCO NZO (Národní centrum ošetrovatelství a nelékarských zdravotnických oboru - National Centre for Nursing and Other Health Professions than Doctors): Michaela Hofštetrová

In addition to these speakers not only chief nursing officers from the invited countries but also representatives of Czech professional organisations will take part in the discussion - CAS (Czech Nurses’ Union, KPA (Confederation of Midwives), universities and hospitals.

During the discussion a debate will be launched on the results of the survey using electronic questionnaires which were sent to the participants in early November 2008 on 5 subjects: legislation, life-long learning, standards, registers of nurses and midwives and access to data in international registers. Nearly all Member States filled in this questionnaire, which contributed to a comprehensive overview over the current situation. This should lead to mutual exchange of information and sharing of interesting projects among the EU Member States.