Telecommunicatie: De inspanningen van de Commissie leiden tot sluiting van vijf overtredingsgevallen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 januari 2009.

The European Commission today closed five infringement proceedings against EU Member States (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Luxembourg and Cyprus) after they took steps at national level to correct the problems.

For the first time, 112, the single European emergency number became available in the EU before Christmas as any citizen could call 112 from any phone in Bulgaria, which was the last Member State where this was not yet possible. The European Commission has therefore closed the infringement case it had launched in October 2007 on the lack of availability of 112 (IP/08/1342).

The Commission has also closed two other cases relating to caller location information of 112 in Romania and Slovakia. Romania has now confirmed that caller location information (which allows emergency services to find accident victims quickly) is available to emergency services for all calls made from mobile phones (for this case, see IP/08/1342). The case against Slovakia was closed following a judgement of the European Court of Justice in favour of the Commission, after which Slovakia has finally implemented the necessary measures for caller location services to be efficient (IP/07/392).

The Commission has also closed the case against Luxembourg following the reorganisation of the Media and Communications department which ensures structural separation of regulatory and management functions, as requested in the EU Telecoms rules (MEMO/08/67).

The case against Cyprus relating to rights of way (e.g. the possibility for public authorities to grant a telecoms provider the right to install facilities such as ducts, cables and masts in public places) has also been closed since measures were taken by the Cypriot authorities to ensure a timely provision of rights of way for the roll-out of fixed networks (MEMO/08/67).

For more information:

A detailed overview of the state of infringement proceedings is available on the website of DG Information Society and Media: