Eurocommissaris Hübner bezoekt Swietokrzyskie in Polen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 januari 2009.

Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner i visits Swietokrzyskie in Poland tomorrow, where she will see how investment from the European Cohesion Policy is providing a crucial funding injection to boost development, and help the region cope with the current financial crisis. She will meet with Marshal Adam Jarubas and take part in a discussion on the future development of the region. She will visit several notable projects including the renovated City Stadium and Public Library, both of which have received funding through Europe's Cohesion Policy.

Before her visit, Mrs Hübner declared that "I am confident that the opportunities offered by the EU-funded Cohesion Policy programme in the region will help Swietokrzyskie in these challenging economic times. The programme targets investment on areas like innovation and transport – critical for the overall development of the region - and is also well-designed to build on key assets of the region such as cultural heritage."

Development of the Swietokrzyskie region: Cohesion policy programme for 2007-2013

During her visit, Commissioner Hübner will hold talks with Marshal Jarubas, before taking part in a round-table debate on the future of the region, with leading figures from local and regional government, the European Parliament, business and academia. Their discussions will focus on maximising potential of the region's Cohesion Policy programme, with input also expected from project promoters aiming to access some of the available funding.

The Swietokrzyskie programme will receive more than €1.5 billion in total from the European Regional Development Fund (€ 725 million), European Social Fund (€ 269 million) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (around € 500 million) for 2007-13. Support is focused on stimulating business growth, transport, environmental and energy projects, tourism and cultural heritage, and boosting innovation (see MEMO/08/199).

The region will also benefit from an advance payment of € 29 million in 2009, including € 14.5 million added as a result of the Commission's European Economic Recovery Plan. With the amounts that have already been paid up-front by the Commission in 2007-08, this means Swietokrzyskie will have received advances totalling € 65.3 million. This cash injection should help speed up project implementation and boost confidence in the regional economy.

By 2013, the Cohesion Policy investments are expected to:

  • Create around 3700 new jobs;
  • Increase GDP in the region by 2.1%.
  • Provide financial support for up to 1000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
  • Upgrade around 450 km of existing roads
  • Support development of 250 hectares of industrial zones

Project visits in Kielce and Checiny

The Commissioner will tour the Kielce City Stadium which has received € 3.8 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to upgrade facilities. This support has helped transform the venue into one of the most modern in Poland, with facilities also adapted for community and educational use.

She will visit the city's public library which received EU funding (ERDF: € 2.3 million) for renovations, part of a wider development aimed at creating a cultural hub in the city. The last stop on the tour will be a visit to the market square in Checiny (planned ERDF support: € 1.4 million) aimed at the restoration of the historical city centre.

Note for editors

Poland is the biggest beneficiary of EU investment under the European Cohesion Policy in 2007-2013. It will receive a total of €67.3 billion.

More information on European regional policy in Poland: