Mirek Topolánek wil alternatieve route voor Russisch gas naar de EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 januari 2009.

At the Nabucco summit in Budapest, Czech Prime Minister and President of the European Council Mirek Topolánek i asked the EU Member States to support the construction of a new corridor for gas supplies to Europe.

The summit was attended by representatives of Hungary, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Egypt, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank.

“It is time that the Nabucco Project became the Nabucco Process”, said the Czech Prime Minister adding that the construction of a new gas line will strengthen the independence, security as well as prosperity of the EU Member States.

The President of the European Council said that he had discussed the Nabucco Project, due to bring gas to the European Union from the Caspian republics via Turkey, with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin i. The latter understands the concept of the new pipeline leading outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

“Nabucco may become a bridge connecting the past with the future, crossing geographic, political and religious boundaries. It is the demonstration of possible cooperation”, said Mirek Topolánek expressing his strong belief that the issue of finance will soon be resolved.

In the afternoon, the President of the European Council met the President of the European Investment Bank, Philippe Maystadt.

You can read the whole speech of Mirek Topolánek at the Nabucco summit here.