Raad spreekt over arbeidsmobiliteit als manier om de kredietcrisis het hoofd te bieden (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 januari 2009.

23 January was the last day of the official part of the informal meeting of EU Minister for Employment and Social Affairs.

Its aim was to highlight the role of workforce mobility in enhancing labour market flexibility, social cohesion and economic growth in the EU. Many countries appreciated the decision of the Czech Presidency to choose the mobility of the workforce as a major priority.

The issue of professional, geographic and social mobility of workers was addressed by representatives of the Trio Presidency - France, the Czech Republic and Sweden - speaking on thematic panels. Complementary speeches were delivered by ministers from Slovakia, Austria and Spain. The Presidency aimed to point out that the current financial and economic crisis only highlights the need for greater workforce mobility. The situation at hand requires quick adaptation of employees to changing conditions, transfer of workforce to regions where new jobs are being created as well as rapid re-inclusion of unemployed and inactive persons into the labour market.

The debate contributed to further the discussion on the issue at European level and the Presidency intends to present its results for adoption in the form of Council conclusions at the next Council meeting in March 2009.

The Friday working lunch was devoted to a discussion on negotiations concerning the review of the Working Time Directive. The Presidency aims to reach agreement with the European Parliament in the conciliation procedure. However, the meeting in Luhacovice showed once again that the Directive is in for a bumpy ride. The opinions of several Member States on the amendments presented by the European Parliament differ in certain respects. The current Directive nevertheless does not entirely meet the requirements of certain sectors, particularly in healthcare, transport and fire service. The active involvement of the Czech Presidency in this issue was appreciated by a number of representatives of Member State Governments, among them Sven Otto Littorin, the Minister for Employment of Sweden, which will hold the EU Presidency after the Czech Republic.

The programme for delegates will end on Saturday 24 January.

Photogallery from the event 23.1. - Second Day of Informal Meeting 22.1. - First Day of Meeting of Ministers For more information see the Calendar