Doorbraak in luchtvaartrelaties EU-Japan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 januari 2009.

Following Vice-President Tajani's i visit to Tokyo and his constructive talks with the transport Minister of Japan Mr Kaneko, a fare reaching agreement has been achieved which will pave the way to significantly enhance the air transport relations between both sides.

Vice-President Tajani has stated “I am extremely pleased that the EU Commission and Japan have agreed to further develop and strengthen their aviation relations. This is indeed good news for our citizens and for our industry. This represents a win-win situation for both sides”.

The EC and Japan have agreed:

  • the recognition of the European designation of carriers in the bilateral agreements with EU Member States;
  • closer cooperation to seek solution in relation to security restrictions on liquids;
  • to strengthen the cooperation concerning reciprocal acceptance of certification of aeronautical products thought the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

This closer cooperation may also cover other relevant aviation issues including air traffic management and, in particular, the SESAR programme.