Tsjechisch voorzitterschap organiseert donorconferentie voor de Gazastrook (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 12 januari 2009.

Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg is prepared to call an international donors’ conference to deal with the urgent humanitarian situation of the inhabitants of Gaza.

The President of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Czech Foreign Minister, Karel Schwarzenberg, holds the opinion that the cessation of hostilities and the achievement of a lasting ceasefire, such as repeatedly called for by the EU as well as the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1860, are the principal and direct goals of our endeavour. He has been following the worsening humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip with increasing concern and believes that right now is the moment to seriously consider steps to be taken as soon as a ceasefire is reached.

Therefore, the Minister believes it is necessary to call an international donors’ conference that will both address the urgent humanitarian needs of the Gaza inhabitants caused by the ongoing fighting and consider the reconstruction of Gaza in a longer-term perspective. The Czech Presidency is prepared to assume this task as soon as possible.

Contact: Zuzana Opletalová, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

tel.: +420 224 182 426, GSM: +420 724 034 154; e-mail: zuzana_opletalova@mzv.cz