Europese waarnemers gasconflict gearriveerd (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 11 januari 2009.

The EU monitoring mission has already reached most of their destination points and it is already starting their monitoring work.

The Commission team has been let in the Sudzha measuring station in Russian territory. Another group has arrived in Lugansk to monitor the gas measuring units of Pisarevka first and later on the metering station of Sokhranovka.

In the western border of Ukraine, the Commission delegation will arrive tonight to the Orlovka compressor facility. A second team to Uzhgorod, which will cover the metering stations of Beregovo and Tekovo, is departing now from Kiev. A third group to Drozdowichi is on their way. These groups will measure the volumes of gas in the exit points of Ukraine, once gas flows are restored.

The team in Kiev have had access to the main dispatching centre of Naftogas of Ukraine and have produced their first report.

Another team is going to be deployed in Gazprom’s main dispatching centre in Moscow.

The parties that signed yesterday the terms of reference of this monitoring mission have all received signed copies of the agreement.

The Commission takes note of the Ukrainian Declaration received this afternoon, which is a mixture of factual restatement of what is in the Terms of Reference signed last night, and in some cases, Ukraine's interpretation of what has been agreed.  The Commission takes the view that nothing in the Ukrainian Declaration adds to, or subtracts from, the Terms of Reference signed by the five parties.  

The Commission considers that all conditions expressed by the two parties have been met and there is no reason to delay the restoration of gas supplies any further.