Tsjechisch Voorzitterschap: doorvoer Russisch gas naar de Europese Unie kan worden hervat (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op zondag 11 januari 2009.

The conditions are now in place for an immediate resumption of Russian natural gas deliveries to the European Union.

After returning to Prague from intense negotiations in Moscow and Kiev, the Czech Prime Minister and the current President of the European Council Mirek Topolánek i said that a declaration signed by all relevant parties should mean an end to the crisis situation regarding gas shortages in some Member States.

„Both sides have assured us that they will not obstruct gas transit to the EU. I believe that this should lead to an immediate resumption of the flow of gas,” Topolánek said. The Czech Prime Minister, supported by the European Commission, has brought the Russian Federation and Ukraine over the last two days to an agreement on the conditions for work of international monitors on all points relevant to the transit of Russian gas to the EU.

The Czech Presidency also urged both sides to resolve their current commercial dispute on Russian gas deliveries to Ukraine and to find a long-term, sustainable solution to their energy relations.

However, the Presidency also underlined the importance of minimising the risk of a repetition of the current crisis. “Tomorrow, we will convene an extraordinary Energy Council to discuss not only the current situation, but also the speeding up of some legislative steps and projects with the aim of increasing European energy security,” said Martin Ríman, the Czech minister of industry and trade, who took part in negotiations with Russia and Ukraine.