Overleg EU waarnemers in Oekraïne (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 10 januari 2009.

 The monitoring team has held a technical meeting this morning with the Ukrainian Gas Transmission System Operator UkrTransGaz (UTG) and with Naftogas on the modalities for the deployment of the monitoring mission.

  • The Commission's monitoring team has decided to divide its task in 5 groups. Two groups are going to be sent to the Eastern border of Ukraine, to the two main areas where most of the entry points from Russia to Ukraine are located.
  • The first team is going to the region near Sumy, by road transport, and are ready to leave soon. A second team will leave to the region near Novopskov to monitor the entry points in that area. This team may leave by plane also soon. A third team will stay in the main dispatching center of UTG where they will contrast the information received from the entry points. A fourth and a fifth team will be sent to the western part of Ukraine to monitor the exit points in the area of Uzhhorod.
  • The Team Leader, Filip Cornelis, has just arrived in Russia to discuss with the Russian counterparts the modalities of the deployment of the monitoring mission.
  • The Commission team in Ukraine has been reinforced by a new group of 12 experts that arrived today at 1am Brussels time to Kiev. The total team in Ukraine is currently composed by 15 experts + 2 Senior Commission officials.
  • A mission with further 3 experts and 2 Senior Commission officials is in its way to Moscow.

This is all the information we can deliver at this point in time on the monitoring mission. If there are further developments they will communicated by esPRESSo.

Important for TVs: there are images that can be already downloaded on EBS and some more to come. EBS crew is in the field providing images regularly.
