Voorzitterschap EU gaat door met gesprekken Oekraine over oplossing gasconflict (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 januari 2009.

After the talks with the President of the EU Council, the President of Ukraine said that he agrees with the presence of Russian experts in the EC monitoring group.

After the talks with Ukrainian President V. Yushchenko, President of the EU Council Mirek Topolánek said that Ukraine agreed with the presence of the European Commission’s monitoring group, which should monitor the transit of Russian gas to the EU Member States via Ukraine.

Ukrainian President V. Yushchenko said that Russian experts may join the EC monitoring group and that he expects that Russia will also agree to the presence of Ukrainian experts. At the moment, the mediating mission continues negotiations with Ukrainian Prime Minister Y. Tymoshenko. Tomorrow the President of the EU Council will hold talks with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in Moscow.