Gezamenlijk optreden van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap en EU-commissie om oplossing in gasconflict Oekraïne-Rusland te vinden (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 januari 2009.

Joint fact-finding mission of the Presidency and the Commission held talks with members of Ukrainian government, top officials of Presidential office and representatives of Gas industry.

Joint fact-finding mission of the Presidency and the Commission held talks with members of Ukrainian government, top officials of Presidential office and representatives of Gas industry on Monday and Tuesday.

President of the EU Energy Council and Czech Minister of Industry and Trade Martin Ríman and DG TREN Director General Matthias Ruette, accompanied by five presidency and Commissions experts, conferred on current development in the commercial dispute between Gazprom and Naftogaz with First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Valentynovych Turchynov on Monday evening. This meeting was also attended by the Deputy Prime Minister for EU Affairs Hryhoryi Nemyrya, minister of energetics Yuriy Prodan, and CEO of Naftogaz Oleh Dubyna.

The joint fact-finding mission pointed out its concern about the current state of the art of ongoing commercial dispute between Russian Federation and Ukraine, which has already visibly affected several EU member states. It acquainted itself with details of the legal and technical background of the unresolved gas supply and transit issues. The currently increasing supply problems will be topic of this mornings talks with representatives of the presidential office.

Ukrainian party assured it spares no effort in finding an acceptable solution of the dispute and in ensuring regular and unrestricted supply of natural gas for the EU. However, different viewpoints regarding legal and technical matters make agreement between Naftogaz and Gazprom difficult.

„We believe, it is of common interest of Ukraine and Russian Federation to find a long-term supply and transit regime, convenient for both parties and assuring safe supplies of natural gas to the EU member states. Both parties should continue in searching for prompt and acceptable and transparent solution,“ minister Martin Ríman said.

After morning talks, the fact-finding mission left for Berlin to meet representatives of Gazprom later this afternoon.