Tsjechisch voorzitterschap presenteert programma waarin nadruk ligt op economie, energie en buitenlands beleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 januari 2009.

Today Prime Minister Topolánek i and Deputy Prime Minister Vondra i introduced the priorities and the work program of the Presidency. The key priorities are the three ‘E’s’: Economy, Energy and Europe in the world. The motto is a ‘Europe without barriers’.

The Czech Republic, as is customary for the presiding country, introduces the priorities and work program when it takes over the leading role in the EU for the following six months of the Presidency. The work programme of the Czech Presidency is introduced by a brief description of the priority areas which the Czech Republic wants to pay special attention to as presiding country. Then follows a detailed description of agendas that the Presidency will address within the framework of the internal and external politics of the EU.

The document is the result of two years of preparation. The Government based the definition of its priorities and programme on strategic documents from the EU and on conclusions of the EU Council and European Councils. In cooperation with France and Sweden - our partners in the Presidency Trio - the Government also prepared a joint eighteen-month programme that will become a virtual time-table of the EU for the next year and a half. The priorities and the programme of the Czech Presidency also address the challenges that the European Union has had to face in the last few months and weeks.

Attached Files Work Programme of the Czech Presidency (pdf, 222 kB)