EU- missie gascrisis (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Tsjechisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 5 januari 2009.

The objective of this mission, whose participants are the Czech Minister of Industry and Trade and the Director General of DG TREN, is to become fully acquainted with the present situation regarding the supply of Russian Gas.

The joint fact-finding mission of the Czech Presidency to the EU and the European Commission departed to the Ukrainian metropolis today. The delegation consists of the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Martin Ríman, Director General of DG TREN, Matthias Ruete, the Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, Václav Bartuška, and an expert of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Jan Zaplatílek.

The objective of this mission is to retrieve more detailed information on the development of the situation in the commercial dispute between Ukraine and Russia relating to the gas supply and to become acquainted with the steps that both parties plan to undertake in order to reach an agreement. The negotiations in Kiev will be followed by a meeting with representatives of Gazprom in one of the European capitals.

’We are not going to Kiev as an arbiter of the dispute. The objective of our joint mission is to lead negotiations with Ukrainian government officials and representatives of gas companies on the current situation regarding gas supply. We would also like to acquaint ourselves with the steps the Ukrainian party plans to undertake in order to settle the dispute’, stated the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Martin Ríman.

Contact: Tomáš Bartovský

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the Czech Presidency

GSM: +420 602 508 328