Resultaten Raad Energie, 8 december 2008 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Frans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2008 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 8 december 2008.

On Monday 8 December, Jean-Louis Borloo, the French Minister for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Regional Development, presided over the Energy Council, which brought together the 27 energy ministers of the European Union.

The ministers discussed the second strategic analysis of the energy policy and the EU energy security and solidarity action plan published by the European Commission on 13 November last. They welcomed this package of recommendations and proposed measures which respond to concerns about the security of the energy supply and improved energy efficiency. With the ‘energy-climate’ and ‘internal market for energy and gas’ packages, also on the negotiating table between the European Parliament and the Council, the European Union is now endowed with a complete and coherent energy policy. The action plan is accompanied by four draft directives: the first on improving the management of strategic oil stocks; the rest on reducing energy consumption - revision of the directives on the energy performance of buildings, the labelling of energy-related products and tyres.

Philippe Maystadt, the President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), briefed the Council on the EIB’s current and future reflections and plans in terms of financing for the energy sector, particularly major structural investments in energy, renewable energies, energy efficiency, and research.

The ministers also approved the recast of the framework directive on the eco-design of energy-using products and applauded the numerous regulations of the last six months relating to products on standby mode, public lighting, decoders, domestic lighting, etc.

The ministerial discussions continued on the renewable energies directive, with the Member States positions becoming more closely aligned. A forthcoming agreement would open the way for new talks with the European Parliament and the Commission, in a tripartite structure. This would make it possible to obtain a definitive agreement between the European Parliament and the Council on this text.

Council of the transport, telecommunications and energy ministers (Announcement)

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